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Presentación servicio de blanqueamiento dental en Dr. Alex Llanos
We brighten the natural color of your teeth

Dental Brightening
(Teeth Whitening)

Dental Brightening
(Teeth Whitening)​

Presentación servicio de blanqueamiento dental en Dr. Alex Llanos

The purpose of our specialists at Dr. Alex Llanos | Dental Aesthetics Unit is about giving you a healthy smile. Therefore, we strive to recover the proper shade of your teeth using special dental materials and cutting-edge equipment.


Supported by LED technology we achieve these important objectives:


  1. Immediate visible results.

  2. Reduction of tooth sensitivity.

  3. Prevent long term damage to the dental pulp.

  4. Guarantee a painless procedure.


And as a consequence of the Brightening (Teeth Whitening) you will be able to project a healthier image to others.

Teeth are not completely white, they have different shades depending on their composition, structure and characteristics. The pulp, dentin, the inner blood itself and the enamel, influence the color of the teeth which is more like an orange coloration.


Therefore, in our dental clinic Dr. Alex Llanos, we do not talk about teeth whitening but rather teeth brightening. Our method finds the most suitable tone for your smile, without creating an artificial or exaggerated appearance.


Teeth lightening or whitening can be combined with other treatments such as smile design, gingivoplasty, orthodontics or prosthetics. It is the final magical touch that is always advised.


We want to share with you several points to keep in mind when performing teeth whitening or brightening with us.

In which cases shouldn´t I undergo teeth whitening or brightening?

If you meet any of the following conditions, it´s better not to do it:

  • You are a pregnant or lactating patient.

  • You developed cavities or periodontal disease.

  • You have dental restorations that are deteriorated or in poor condition.

  • You had a teeth whitening less than 6 months ago.

  • You are under 18 years old and have immature roots.


How long does the teeth whitening or brightening procedure take?
  • For the photoactivatable technique, 4 cycles of 15 minutes with intervals of one day between each one are needed.

  • For the laser technique, two 15-minute cycles are required.


Safety in the teeth whitening or brightening procedure.

With a device called “mouth opener”, we will keep your oral cavity open, which will serve to have a favorable space during execution; On the other hand, the gums will be protected with a cream that will harden in contact with the LED light, thus preventing the hydrogen peroxide combined with other components from irritating the soft tissues of your mouth.


Record of the teeth whitening or brightening process

We will use photographic and video cameras to record your current state (the "before"). At this point, the color shots are compared with the standard universal scale called (Vita® Guide) and with the help of the spectrophotometer, it will digitally indicate the right shade of your teeth.


At the end we will make the “after” record, where we will see the final result with a complete record of how your smile will look from now on and, of course with your consent, we will show it on our digital media (social networks, website, presentations, case studies, etc.).


A comfortable and relaxed experience.

During the time the procedure takes (approximately 1 hour), you will be enjoying our facilities, the VIP waiting room, Zen gardens, lounge area, relaxing music; wear light, comfortable clothing and bring the best attitude to see your new smile as soon as we finish our work.


Does the teeth whitening or brightening process cause sensitivity?

In most cases it can happen, but don't worry. We will use the laser prior to applying the lightening gel and at the end of the consultation, we will deliver an AFC gel that will be the main asset to keep the tooth enamel strong and create a protective barrier for the teeth.

Is teeth whitening or brightening reversible?

The result will not last a lifetime. Your teeth will return to their usual color over time, this happens due to contact with pigments from foods, drinks, tobacco and alcohol, in addition to aging.


What type of gel is used for teeth whitening or brightening?

25% hydrogen peroxide will be used, a low concentration percentage that does not produce as much sensitivity but when enhanced with other components, it achieves the desired effect in less time.


What should I do after teeth whitening or brightening?

You must carry out a color reinforcement and stabilization phase. This is a reinforcement at home starting the following 24 hours after treatment and for 6 consecutive nights, where the tone of your teeth will be reaffirmed:

  • Before doing so, you should have a healthy dinner and brush your teeth very well.

  • Apply (1) a drop of gel for each tooth in the plastic covers that we have provided.

  • Please remember not to sleep with them, they should be in your mouth for only 2 hours and spit them out.

  • Don't rinse your teeth again.


AVOID foods that can cause pigmentation, as well as hot or cold drinks, keep this in mind.


Control appointment

At the end of the previously explained phase, you will have a control appointment, we will see your process, record with photographs and again take the shade of your teeth.


How to maintain for longer time the results of teeth whitening or brightening?

To maintain for longer time the result, keep these simple data in mind.


Don't eat foods with so many pigments, look for healthy ways to eat, don't smoke, avoid coffee, tea, red wine, dark soda and aniline drinks. Do it not only to keep your teeth clearer, but also for good physical well-being and health.


Of course don't forget excellent oral hygiene and professional cleanings maximum every 6 months.


How often should teeth whitening or brightening be performed?

As it is a cosmetic issue, it shouln´t be done frequently. The recommendation is for a period of no less than one year.

Why do we say it? There is a risk of affecting the dental pulp in a chronic way that can end in irreversible damage.


Show off your smile in the most natural and healthy way, overdoing this treatment is not healthy.

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